Our Objectives


  • To provide and arrange for facilities for intensive and extensive studies and research for future development and Education of Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To undertake, organize and facilities study courses, conferences, lectures, seminars and provide and arrange for facilities for the development of methods and techniques suited to the future needs of Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To establish and maintain affiliated centers in various parts of the country.
  • The Intellectual People Achievement federation will honor individuals, organizations and Institutions with awards for outstanding contribution and achievements in their respective fields.
  • Awards will also be given in the field of Health, Education, Commerce & public social service and other fields. The awards will be presented in special seminars which will be chaired by Central & State Ministers and National Leaders.
  • To arrange self-employment course in Rural & Slum areas of the country.
  • To arrange swachh Bharat mission awareness programme and seminars.
  • To assist the Government departments in resolving solutions to the problems concerning the future development of Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To undertake, assist and finance publication, periodicals and News agencies, Research Organizations etc.
  • To promote visits and exchange of experts with other countries in furtherance of the aims and objects of the company in a legal way.
  • To subscribe to or become a member of or to co-operate with or affiliate with any Institutional, society or Association whose objectives are similar.
  • To invite foreigners for discussion and negotiations for transfer for of foreign technology.
  • To give award for excellent in production and in export promotion.
  • To serve as a forum to discuss all Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To make correspondence in lawful manner to arrange meetings, conferences , seminars with the concerned government authorities for the solution of Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To publish books/Newspapers on Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To publish charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publications for the attainment of aims and objects of the company.
  • To develop social and cultural cooperation between the progressive people all around the country.
  • To draw attention on how the successful achievers can help the social and economic infrastructural in and around the country.
  • to conduct national and international seminars and conference on various economic issues and topics .
  • To form expert committees such as Award selection committee, Economic research committee, corporate performance committee and also other kinds of committees as planned in order to carry out the various functions of Intellectual People and Organizational Development.
  • To arrange meetings with government ministers to promote Companies aims and objectives.
  • To promote, encourage and give recognition to the members of the excellent performance in their respective fields.
  • To Develop social and cultural co-operations between our progressive people and of all countries.
  • To develop the partnership of business, professional and other representatives of the Indian community to define and discuss the key issues on the Indian economic agenda.
  • To Draw attention on the theme “How the success full achievers can have the social and economic infrastructural development in and around the country”
  • To conduct national and international seminars and conferences on various economic issues and topics. These seminars will be organized on various economic issues and topics.
  • To appoint people with honorably and with remuneration to carry out the main objects of promotion of health, education, commerce industries and other fields.
  • To arrange health camps and free medicine distribution camps in rural areas of the country.
  • To distribute wheel chairs and other equipment to disabled people.
  • To arrange awareness programme in rural areas about the women health, AIDS awareness and other similar areas of concerns.
  • To promote, encourage and give recognition to the members of excellent performance in their respective fields.
  • To arrange workshops, conference, seminars and events for intellectual people.
  • To raise funds through grants, donations, subscriptions loans etc. for fulfillment of aims and objects of the Company.
  • To perform all such acts as may be necessary for the achievement and accomplishment of the above mentioned aims and objects and allied social activities and services.
  • To do all such other lawful things as are Incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects. Provided that the company shall not support with its funds, or endeavour to impose on, or procure to be observed by its members or others, any regulation or restriction which, as an object of the company, would make it a trade union.